Under 18 Birthday Parties
Our painting parties are a fun, affordable way to gather with friends to celebrate a birthday. Painters will leave the party with a 12"x 12" keepsake that they have created. We will have 32 stencils designs available at the workshop for them to choose from when they arrive. Or the hostess can collect sign orders ahead of time, The kids will stain their wood and then paint their signs. We will have 14 stain colors available and 60 paint colors for them to use.
You will have your own party area right inside the front door, which means no cleaning up at home and easy access. YEAH! We will set-up one or two 8' tables with chairs around them for the painters. A gift and food table with be available. Also, a stack of chairs will be available for guests to use as space allows.
- We leave a 30 minute buffer between parties to allow for set-up and clean-up.
- If you are providing, you can arrive 15-20 minutes ahead of time to set-up. Our facilitator will help you.
Can I bring in anything?
- Food, drink, snacks, cake, decorations, music... bring in whatever you like except alcohol.
- Painting- For painting, we have solid color tablecloths that we provide and all the materials you need. This will keep paint for getting on anything. Adults are able to help as they want.
- Photos- We will take pictures before the party ends.
- Clean-Up- We will have another party coming in 15 minutes after your party.
- For birthday parties, we do not create Facebook events or invitations because no pre-ordering of signs is necessary. Options will be available at the workshop.
$13 plus tax/per painter. Minimum 8 painters. No more than 2 guests per painter.
$13 plus tax/per painter. Minimum 8 painters. No more than 2 guests per painter.
All inquires about painting at the workshop can be completed using this form. The Creative Gatherings' Workshop is located at 8822 West Washington Street. Our party scheduler uses this information to find the best time and date for you. We are able to host multiple parties at once and so accurately filling out this information will help us plan accordingly to ensure you have a wonderful time at Creative Gatherings. Within 72 hours, we will either send a confirmation for your time and date or contact you to try and figure out another date/time. Be in touch soon!