Owner Training- Step 7 Staining, Stain Colors and Pens
This page contains:
General Information
Our 6 Stain Colors
Information About Each Stain Color
Product Needed for Staining Wood
Staining Cut Wood
Drying Racks
Techinque for Stain Touch-Ups
General Information
We have 2 times we have to worry about stain. First, when we are staining the edge-glued pine or spruce before the party. Secondly, we are doing final touch-ups on the signs at the party. Things you may want to know about staining:
Temperature is important when it comes to staining. Leave cans of stain in room temperature location. Using cold stain or staining in cold can make the boards crusty after it dries.
Grey, aged oak and honey maple will dry the fastest.
Black, red mahogany and espresso take longer to dry.
In warm weather, it can take 24-48 hours to dry. In cold weather, it can longer.
Humidity affects drying also.
You can over stain boards. We put on 1 coat and let it go on naturally.
Should not have pools when staining.
You have to shake and mix well. Grey is the most difficult to mix.
The top of the cans will be lighter than the bottom.
Our 6 Stain Colors
Honey Maple: This is really Minwax Ipswich Pine 221.
Stain Before Party: Will go on so easy.
Touch-Ups: Rarely will need. If so, use Provincial Pen.
Aged Oak: This is really Minwax Provincial 211.
Stain Before Party: Goes on easy. Can over stain.
Touch-Ups: Use Provincial Pen.
Red Mahogany: Minwax Red Mahogany 225
Stain Before Party: Can easily over stain. Takes a long time to dry.
Touch-Ups: Use Red Mahogany Pen
Espresso: Minwax Espresso 273
Stain Before Party: Can easily over stain.
Touch-Ups: Use Dark Walnut Pen
Ebony/Black: Minwax Ebony 2718
Stain Before Party: Mix well.
Touch-Ups: Use Ebony Pen
Grey: Minwax Classic Grey 271
Stain Before Party: Hardest to Mix. Mix well.
Touch-Ups: No Grey Stain Pen.... use little can of Classic Grey. Shake well, dab on. Or use paint colors 13, 14 or 15.
Staining Cut Wood and Drying Racks
Our Drying Racks- You can don't have to have a big fancy set-up to let wood dry after staining. Ours allow us to dry over at a time. We bought wire racks and weaved string though the shelves.