Owner Training- Step 13 Setting-Up EventsThis page includes:
General Information-
When creating a Facebook event keep 2 things in mind. Nobody in your area will know what you do when you get started and no one likes to read a ton of information. People are visual and pictures will sell your business. When creating an event, you will want to give party information (time and location), a description about what we offer, how to order, due dates for ordering and the Google sheets to check orders. Post lots of pictures, post our video and lots of reminders to orders the week that orders are due. Process Once a party is scheduled in Acuity, you should receive a text message and email so you have the information you need. The party host will receive a text message that tells them to invite you to be a friend on Facebook. They have to be a 'friend' so you can invite them to the event and to send them a private message. We will receive that information also. We will use the information to:
How to set-up Facebook events? Suggestion: I personally create all at-home party events on my personal Facebook page and make them private. I invite the party host to the my event. They have to be your friend for you to be able to invite them. Why do I make at-home events on my personal webpage? I do this so followers of my Creative Gatherings' Facebook page can not see the private events. If the event is private on my personal page, party hosts can invite their friends to the events. If we were to make an at-home party on our Creative Gatherings' Page, everyone can see and may have trouble determining which events are open to the public and private. Our parties that are open to the public are called Party4Alls. Our Creative Gatherings' Facebook page only has our public Party4Alls on it, so it is easy for customers to see the events. We learned to do this the hard way. We had a person arrive at someone's private at-home party to paint and they didn't even know them. |