Make Your Own ScheduleYou will be able to book your own parties, so you can make your own schedule. With social media, it is so easy to spread the word that you have become a party facilitator. When we started Creative Gatherings, one ad on Facebook lead to 170 party requests, People are so excited about the Wood Painting parties, I am sure you will find it easy to book your own parties. After you book your party, we have an online scheduler will have you complete, so we can make sure and plan to get your signs cut. Our only requirement is that active CG facilitators host at least 4 parties every 3 months.
What Will You Make? $$$You will make a profit per sign. We will set you-up a website. You will collect orders and money from people attending your parties. You will purchase the signs from us on our website and you will make from $7 to 13 a sign after you purchase the materials you would need. A party of 8, you would average a $100 for taking orders, weeding a few signs and facilitating a party. Total time per party is about 6 hours. When you do the math.... that is about $15 a hour for an average party.
In Charge of Own SuccessAfter you attend one of our bi-monthly trainings on a Saturday, you will be prepared to start your own facilitating Creative Gatherings'. We will walk you through all the steps you need to get your Creative Gatherings' started just like we did. From getting leads, to processing orders and most importantly how to create signs. It will take hard work at first, but is a fun way to earn money.
ProcessYou will purchase a starter kit ($200) with the supplies you need to get started. We make no money on the started kit. It will just help you have the supplies you need to get through the first few parties, while you are establishing your business.
Paints $52.00
Modge Podge $12.00
Crate $15.00
Stain Kit $25.00
10 Scrapers $9.00
10 Pickers $15.00
Tape 50 yards $50.00
100 Hangers $13.00
5 Packs of Plates $5.00
3 Packs of Brushes $3.00
5 Packs of Sponges $5.00
Really Costs Us- $204.00
You Pay- $200